
Easily collect and share customer reviews on your online store's product pages with Product Reviews by Shopify.

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Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Allow customers to leave product reviews on your store


Product Reviews by Shopify is an app designed to help online stores easily collect and share customer reviews on the product pages of their online store. This app provides customers with the ability to rate and review products in order to help other customers decide what to buy and give valuable feedback to the store owners as well.


  • Theme-Friendly Design: Reviews automatically match your store’s look and feel, ensuring that the reviews blend in seamlessly with the other design elements.
  • Easy Customization: Product Reviews makes it easy for store owners to customize the layout, text, and colors of the reviews without needing to do any coding.
  • Bulk Actions: Quickly and easily publish, hide, filter, and manage reviews with the use of bulk actions.
  • CSV Import and Export: Easily import and export reviews to and from a spreadsheet.
  • SEO-Friendly Review Scores: Add review scores to your Google search results to boost your search engine optimization.
  • Moderation Tools: Use moderation tools to control what gets published and manage the flow of customer reviews to your online store.
  • Customizable Widgets: Create widgets that will allow customers to review and rate products directly on the product page.
  • Multilingual Support: Product Reviews can be customized in multiple languages, allowing customers from all over the world to use it without issue.
  • Well-Documented API: Product Reviews offers a robust API that makes it easy for developers to customize and extend the app’s functionality.
  • Advanced Integrations: Integrate with apps from Shopify’s app store to streamline your customer review process and make your life easier.


Product Reviews is a free app, making it accessible to all types of businesses. However, some of the advanced features of the app, such as the customization tools and the API, may require additional fees that are based on usage or a subscription plan.