
Track orders, provide real-time delivery updates, and customize your order search page with DropTracking for Shopify. Try it free for 30 days!

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DropTracking ‑ Order Tracking

DropTracking ‑ Order Tracking

Tracking on Autopilot Dropshipping


DropTracking ‑ Order Tracking app for Shopify is a great application that allows you to automatically track your orders and provide customers with real-time estimated delivery dates. This helps to keep your customers informed and reduce the amount of customer support requests for order status updates. This powerful app also allows you to customize the order search page according to your needs. The app is very easy to install, and comes with a 30-day free trial. After that, the monthly subscription costs just $8.99/month.


  • Automatically calculates the estimated delivery time: This is the main feature of the app. It automatically calculates the estimated delivery time and lets your customers know when to expect their orders.
  • Customizable order search page: This feature allows you to customize the order search page according to your needs. You can easily add your branding, and add additional information fields to make the search page more user-friendly.
  • Automatically provide automated delivery estimates: This feature allows you to automatically provide automated delivery estimates directly on the checkout page. This helps to reduce the number of customer support requests for order status updates.
  • Reduce chargebacks: The app helps to reduce the number of customer support requests and chargebacks, as customers will always know when to expect their order.
  • Automatically update orders: The app automatically updates orders with new tracking information and estimated delivery times, so customers are always up to date.
  • Easy to install: The app is very easy to install and requires no coding knowledge. It is also compatible with all Shopify stores.
  • Compatibility with multiple carriers: DropTracking is compatible with multiple carriers, including DPD, DHL and FedEx, so you can choose the best shipping provider for you.
  • Secure and reliable: The app is secure and reliable, and you can trust that your customer’s data is safe.
  • Support: The app offers 24/7 customer support, so you can get help anytime you need it.


DropTracking ‑ Order Tracking app for Shopify is available for monthly subscription for just $8.99/month. New users can enjoy a 30-day free trial.