Press Releases

Lifesight becomes a Meta Business Partner for Measurement

Published On: 2023-11-15


Lifesight, a leading customer data activation and marketing measurement platform is now an official Meta Business Partner for Measurement.

This partnership is a testament to Lifesight's commitment to bringing innovative measurement solutions that help non-technical marketers leverage their data to improve marketing outcomes. Lifesight is now among one of the few market leaders in measurement who are pioneering the use of Meta's latest measurement capabilities for the privacy-first era. These include being able to leverage Meta's built-in MMM feeds, CAPI, Conversion Lift, etc. to help marketers optimize their media spend, allocate budgets, and prove ROI.

Some of the capabilities enabled with this partnership include the ability for marketers using Meta and Lifesight to easily leverage the data they need to build custom marketing mix models using Meta's MMM feed. Lifesight offers a no-code approach to building MMMs using open-source models like Robyn, among others.

"Marketers today can't just rely on traditional marketing attribution anymore because signal loss has caused its accuracy to diminish significantly. The industry is seeing a shift towards probabilistic modeling and methodologies like MMM and incrementality testing. I believe that marketers should future-proof and equip themselves with multiple measurement tools so they can better triangulate the impact of their activities on KPIs. We are happy to see Meta lead this charge for helping marketers get access to these tools and we are proud to be partnered to help guide marketers into the holistic world of measurement in the privacy-first era,” says Rohit Maheswaran, Cofounder & Chief Product Officer at Lifesight.

To learn more about how Lifesight Measurement Solutions can help you, talk to us.

About Lifesight

Lifesight is a marketing data activation and measurement platform designed for non-technical marketers to leverage their own data to improve customer acquisition and retention. Our suite of products includes AI-powered marketing mix modeling, conversion API integrations, campaign optimization with universal attribution, and advanced experimentation. Our first-party data approach allows marketers to easily leverage no-code AI tools to target customer segments, allocate budgets, optimize campaigns, and scale their acquisition confidently, and profitably. Our platform is designed to help marketers make better decisions, navigate signal loss, and future-proof their marketing stack.

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