Product Updates

Send one-time messages for seasonal sales, discounts and more

Published On: 2023-07-25


Now you can reach your customers seamlessly and in one-go with campaign broadcasts. With precise targeting with segments, you can create groups of your customers based on behaviors and send customised campaigns to them.

There are primarily two types of campaigns you can send: Emails and SMS. But keep an eye out on our upcoming integrations for campaigns such as WhatsApp.

Our campaign builder consists of a design tool to get you started. It also lets you schedule campaigns, send test messages, and more.

You can send a campaign in these quick steps:

Go to 'Campaigns' in Lifesight. Upon doing so, you can select a channel - either Email or SMS.

After this, you can select sender's email address (for emails) or phone number (for SMS) and select a ‘segment' you want to broadcast your messages to.

Then you can get started with designing a campaign according to your liking. Designing a campaign is made easy with our pre-built template library where you can select beautiful email templates or design your own.

Once your store is connected to Lifesight, the platform automatically generates a set of pre-built segments tailored for your e-commerce brand especially. You can select the customer segment that you need to communicate with and start with Email or SMS communication for that particular group.

Learn more about Campaigns