Review tool: Add customer reviews in emails
Published On: 2023-07-25
Include customer testimonies in Emails to improve brand loyalty
There is a latest addition to our Email Editor - the Review Tool. This powerful new feature allows users to embed one or more Yotpo Reviews into their email templates, enhancing the value and effectiveness of their email communications.
With the Review Tool, users can choose from three different types of reviews to embed in their emails, including Product Reviews, Site Reviews, and Aggregated Product Reviews. For Aggregated Product Reviews, only a product image and an aggregated review score will be displayed, without any review content.
The ability to integrate reviews into email templates is a game-changer for businesses looking to showcase their brand's value and build trust with their customers.
The Review Tool empowers to provide social proof and validate their products and services, thereby enhancing customer engagement and driving sales.
We recognize that the online landscape is constantly evolving, which is why we have integrated Yotpo Reviews into the Review Tool. This ensures that our users have access to the latest and most reliable review platform to enhance their email communications.
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