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Abandoned Cart Tool in Email Builder

Published On: 2023-07-25


Add products from abandoned carts in the email builder with one click

Now add abandoned products in the email builder with the abandoned cart tool. Add details such as item name, item price, item quantity, checkout, item image, and more.

The email builder tool allows you to add abandoned products in a number of ways. One option is to add various details about the abandoned product, such as the name, price, quantity, checkout, and even an image of the item. This way, you can provide more context about the product that was abandoned, making it more likely that the customer will return and complete their purchase.

Furthermore, the tool allows you to customize the appearance of the product title, including the fonts, colors, and price alignment, among other things. This added customization can help make the email even more eye-catching and engaging for the customer, which can go a long way towards increasing the chances of a sale.

How does it work?

Navigate to the Content block in the Email Builder. Click on Abandonment button and drag-n-drop it in the email.

Click on the abandonment item in the email builder. Now customize the content to your liking.

You can customize the products and how they’re displayed by changing fonts, design style and more.

Abandoned Cart Tool in Email Builder