
Expand your global reach with Dynamic Currency Converter for Shopify. Accept foreign currencies effortlessly. Try it free for 14 days!

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Dynamic Currency Converter

Dynamic Currency Converter

Show your prices in 160+ currencies (includes Bitcoin!)


Dynamic Currency Converter for Shopify is a powerful software solution designed to help ecommerce stores unlock the potential of selling to customers across the globe. With DCC, online store owners can configure their store to accept foreign currencies so shoppers can view prices on their website, in their native currency. With support for over 160 currencies, this app takes only a few clicks to set up, and works on any Shopify-supported theme. The app also includes features such as automated rounding, currency padding, Vortex loading technology, and other customization and optimization features. The app is available in free and paid plans, starting with a 14-day free trial.


  • Automated Rounding: This feature automatically adjusts product prices to the nearest number, thus preventing any discrepancies between orders and price rounding.
  • Price Padding: This is a setting that provides customers with the item price plus a fixed amount to avoid cart abandonment.
  • 160+ Currency Support: The currency converter supports over 160 currencies from around the world.
  • Vortex Loading Technology: This feature helps optimize load speed for conversions, allowing customers to quickly switch currencies without waiting for page refresh.
  • Customization and Optimization: The app features an array of customization options that let store owners tailor the app to fit their specific needs.
  • Mobile Compatibility: The app is optimized to work on both desktop and mobile devices, allowing customers to switch currencies easily on their phones.
  • Multiple Languages: This app is available in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and other languages.
  • Live Product Sync: This feature ensures product pricing is updated and synced across multiple currencies in real-time.
  • Automated email notification system: Notify customers whenever selected currency has been changed.
  • Safe and secure: DCC uses best-in-class encryption technologies to protect customer data.


Dynamic Currency Converter for Shopify offers a free plan and several paid options. The Free Plan includes a 14-day free trial and offers a range of basic features such as product pricing in multiple currencies, custom rounding and currency padding, Vortex loading technology, and other helpful features. The Premium Plan, at $7.99/month, provides access to all the features included in the free plan, plus advanced tooling such as custom design support, automated email notifications, and more.For stores looking for even more features, the Elite Plan is available at $14.99/month and provides additional features such as unlimited product price updates, automated conversion rates refresh, and multi-store support. Finally, the Nuke Plan gives access to all Elite features plus some additional features such as advanced analytics, settings to hide customer prices, and customized currency labels. This plan costs $19.99/month.