
Optimize blog traffic and increase sales with Blog Article Filter Search PRO. Customize settings and improve blog content discoverability.

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Blog Article Filter Search PRO

Blog Article Filter Search PRO

Better blog experience with blog post tag filter & blog search


Blog Article Filter Search PRO is an app for Shopify stores that provides a 3-in-1 blogging solution to help optimize blog content discovery. This app helps businesses that publish evergreen and educational content like creative portfolios, recipes, and tutorials to bring in more quality traffic and increase sales. Features like blog post and article tag filter, blog keyword search, and featured blog posts can be used to improve blog readership and search optimization. With customizable settings and easy installation, Blog Article Filter Search PRO is a great solution for businesses to optimize their blog content discovery.


  • Blog Post and Article Tag Filter : Blog Article Filter Search PRO provides a way to create dropdown blog filters based on article tags. This allows customers to easily sort and filter blog content, making it easier to find the most relevant posts.
  • Blog Keyword Search: This app also makes it easy for customers to search for blog posts using keywords, so they can quickly and easily find the content that they're looking for.
  • Featured Blog Posts: Blog Article Filter Search PRO makes it easy to feature 3 articles at the search panel. This helps to highlight the most important content and directs customers to the most relevant content.
  • Settings: Customizable settings allow businesses to decide if they want to show both the blog filter and search, or just one of the features on their blog.
  • Publish/Unpublish Feature: Businesses also have the option to publish or unpublish the blog search and filter whenever they want. This makes it easy to make changes or optimize the content without having to redo the entire setup.
  • Easy Installation: This app is easy to install and set up, so businesses can get it up and running quickly and start optimizing their blog content discovery.
  • Boosts Blog Readership: Blog Article Filter Search PRO helps businesses to boost blog post readership, regardless of the age of the post. This helps to both bring in more traffic and increase sales.
  • Great for Evergreen Content: This app is ideal for businesses that publish evergreen content like recipes, tutorials, and portfolios. It helps to bring in quality traffic and increase sales.
  • Affordable Pricing: Blog Article Filter Search PRO is available at an affordable price of $6.90/month, and there is also a 5-day free trial to try out the features.
  • Excellent Support: The app also comes with excellent customer support, so businesses can get help if they need it.


Blog Article Filter Search PRO is available at different pricing tiers: LITE ($6.90/month), BASIC ($12.90/month), PRO ($19.90/month), and PREMIUM ($39.90/month). Additionally, a 5-day free trial is available so businesses can try out the features before deciding to purchase. Overall, Blog Article Filter Search PRO is an excellent app for any Shopify store looking to optimize their blog content discovery. With features like blog post and article tag filter, blog keyword search, and featured blog posts, businesses can easily bring in more traffic and increase sales. It is easy to install and comes with customizable settings, so businesses can quickly get it up and running. It also comes with an affordable pricing plan and excellent customer support.