
Enhance global reach with Multi Currency Converter for Shopify. Display local prices, auto-detect currencies, and set manual exchange rates for over 230 countries.

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Multi Currency Converter

Multi Currency Converter

Provide localized shopping experience, increase global sales


Are you an online shop looking to tap into a global market? The Multi Currency Converter app enables you to display localized product prices on your website to better reach more potential customers. This powerful app is designed to provide shoppers with a localized shopping experience and boost your sales globally.Multi Currency Converter is a great option for online stores in order to increase their global market reach, offering support for more than 230 countries and regions. It is also designed with auto-detect localization in mind. This app will detect the local currency based on the visitor’s geo location and convert the price accordingly. Moreover, you have the option to either use real-time exchange rate or manually set one to convert prices with. Additionally, you also have the ability to set rounding rules to ensure the converted prices are consistent and clean.


  • Localized Shopping Experience: This app offers conversion and local currency display to all customers for a highly personalized shopping experience. With this app customers will be able to see prices better tailored to their location.
  • Currency Support: Multi Currency Converter provides support for currencies in over 230 countries and regions, enabling you to better tap into the global market.
  • Local Currency Auto-Detection: This app also offers auto-detection capabilities for local currency, based on visitor’s geo-location. As a result, customers always view the price in their local currency and enjoy a localized shopping experience.
  • Option to Use Auto-Update Real-Time Exchange Rate: The app is thoughtfully designed to work with auto-update real-time exchange rate for currency conversion, allowing for up-to-date exchange rate information.
  • Manual Setup for Exchange Rate: Alternatively, this app also supports the use of manually set exchange rate for currency conversion. This is ideal for those who require a specific exchange rate to be applied for all conversions.
  • Rounding Rules: Multi Currency Converter also features the ability to set rounding rules for the converted prices. This ensures the prices being displayed on your website are both neat and consistent.
  • Multi-Currency Selector on Website: With the app, you can also add a multi-currency selector on your online store, giving shoppers the option to manually choose and view products in different currencies if they wish.
  • Mobile-Friendly: The app also includes mobile-friendly designs so that shoppers can still enjoy all the currency features and options on their handheld devices.
  • Currency Switcher Placement: You can also customize the currency switcher placement and select whether it appears on all pages across your website, or just the product, cart and checkout pages.
  • Customizable Design: Moreover, you can also select one of the 17 custom design themes for the currency switcher. This lets you customize the look and feel of the switcher so that it best suits the look of your online store.


Multi Currency Converter offers customers a 7-day free trial period, following which they can purchase the app for $9.99/month. This plan offers access to all of the features described above, providing an inclusive and powerful currency conversion solution. The app might be the perfect choice if you are looking to reach a global market and provide an effective localized shopping experience for customers.